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Selected Publications

Henny, C.J., and J.L. Kaiser. 2021. Rotenone Use and Subsequent Prey Loss Lowers Osprey Fledging Rates Via Brood Reduction. J. Raptor Research 56(1):37-54.

Buck, J.A., and J.L. Kaiser. 2011. Contaminant concentrations in osprey (Pandion haliaetus) eggs from Portland Harbor and surrounding areas: Data summary report. Prepared for The Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon, and Kaiser and Associates Environmental Consulting, LLC, Seattle, Washington.

Henny, C.J., R.A. Grove, J.L. Kaiser, B.L. Johnson, C.V. Furl and R.J. Letcher. 2011. Wastewater dilution index partially explains observed polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardant concentrations in osprey eggs from Columbia River Basin, 2008-2009. Ecotoxicology 20(4):682-697.

Henny, C.J., R.A. Grove, J.L. Kaiser and B.L. Johnson. 2010. North American osprey populations and contaminants - Historic and contemporary perspectives. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 13:579-603.

Johnson, B.L., C.J. Henny, J.L. Kaiser, J.W. Davis and E.P. Schulz. 2009. Assessment of Contaminant Exposure and Effects on Ospreys Nesting along the Lower Duwamish River, Washington, 2006-07. U.S Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1255. 88pp.

Henny, C.J., J.L. Kaiser, R.A. Grove, B.L. Johnson and R.J. Letcher. 2009. Polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in eggs may reduce reproductive success of ospreys in Oregon and Washington, USA. Ecotoxicology 18:802-813.

Henny, C.J., J.L. Kaiser, and R.A. Grove. 2009. PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs, OC pesticides and mercury in fish and osprey eggs from Willamette River, Oregon (1993, 2001, and 2006) with calculated biomagnification factors.  Ecotoxicology 18(2):151-173.

Johnson, B.L., J.L. Kaiser, C.J. Henny and R.A. Grove. 2008. Prey of nesting ospreys on the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, Oregon and Washington. Northwest Science 82(3):229-236.

Grove, R.A., C.J. Henny, and J.L. Kaiser. 2009. Osprey - Worldwide sentinel species for assessing and monitoring environmental contamination in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B, 12 (1):25-44.

Henny, C.J., R.A. Grove, and J.L. Kaiser. 2008. Osprey distribution, abundance, reproductive success and contaminant burdens along Lower Columbia River, 1997/1998 versus 2004. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 54:525-534.

S. Chu, S. C.J. Henny, J.L. Kaiser, K.G. Drouillard, G.D. Haffner and R.J. Letcher. 2007. Dacthal and chlorophenoxy herbicides and chlorothalonil fungicide in eggs of osprey (Pandion haliaetus) from the Duwamish–Lake Washington–Puget Sound area of Washington state, USA. Environmental Pollution 145(1):374-81

Kaiser, J.L. 2006. Perching, Roosting, and Nesting of Birds on Powerline Structures. (Contributing Author). Pp. 107-133 In: Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC) 2006. Suggested Practices for Avian Protection on Power Lines: State of the Art in 2006. Edison Electric Institute, APLIC,, and the California Energy Commission. Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, CA.

Henny, C.J., J.L. Kaiser, H.A. Packard, R.A. Grove and M.R. Taft. 2005. Assessing Mercury Exposure and Effects to American Dippers in Headwater Streams near Mining Sites. Ecotoxicology 14(7):709-25.

Henny, C.J., R.A. Grove, J.L. Kaiser, and V.R. Bentley. 2004. An evaluation of osprey eggs to determine spatial residue patterns and effects of contaminants along the lower Columbia River, U.S.A. Pp. 369-388 In:  Chancellor, R., Meyburg, B., eds., Raptors Worldwide, Budapest, Hungary, WWGBP/MME.

Henny, C.J., J.L. Kaiser, R.A. Grove, V.R. Bentley, and J.E. Elliott. 2003. Biomagnification factors (fish to osprey eggs from Willamette River, Oregon, U.S.A.) for PCDDS, PCDFS, PCBS, and OC pesticides. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 84(3):275-315.

Henny, C.J., J.L. Kaiser, R.A. Grove. 2002. Ospreys in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest (Revised 2005): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet (FS 153-02). 4pp.

Kaiser, J.L. 2001. Nesting Osprey Use of Electric Distribution Poles in the Willamette Valley, Oregon: An Assessment of Nest Management Practices and Electrocution Rates. USGS FRESC, Corvallis, Oregon. Technical Report.

Audet, D.J., J.L. Kaiser, D.J. Hoffman, L. McDonald, and T. McDonald. 1999. Lead exposure of bald eagles and prey items in northern Idaho and eastern Washington. USFWS. Spokane, Washington. Technical Report.

Stalmaster, M.V., and J.L. Kaiser. 1998. Effects of Recreational Activity on Wintering Bald Eagles. Wildlife Monograph No. 137. 46pp.

Stalmaster, M.V., and J.L. Kaiser. 1997. Winter Ecology of Bald Eagles in the Nisqually River Drainage, Washington.  Northwest Science 71(3):214-223.

Stalmaster, M.V., and J.L. Kaiser. 1997. Flushing Response of Wintering Bald Eagles to Military Activity. Journal of Wildlife Management 61(4):1307-1313.

Henny, C.J., and J.L. Kaiser. 1996. Osprey population increase along the Willamette River, Oregon and the role of utility structures, 1976-93. Pp. 97-108 In:  Bird, D.M., Varland, D.E., Negro, J.J., eds., Raptors in human landscapes: London, England, UK, Academic Press, Ltd.

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